Key Features: The world’s most-used polyurethane foam earplug Bell shape delivers maximum in-ear comfort Contoured design easier to insert, resists tendency to back-out of ear canal Polyurethane foam enhances comfort, especially for long-term wear Smooth, soil-resistant closed cell-foam skin prevents dirt build-up Bulk refills for Leight Source 400 and Leight Source 500 Earplug Dispensers save time, waste and spaceRecommended Industries/Use: AgricultureChemicalConstructionFire ProtectionForestryGovernmentLaw EnforcementManufacturingMedicalMilitaryMiningMunicipal ServicesOil and GasPharmaceuticalSteel and MetalsTransportationUtilitiesWeldingHazards: NoiseRegulations: 29 CFR 1910.95 - OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure (US)ANSI S3.19-1974 - Attenuation Test Protocol (US)Part II, (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2) - Canada Labour CodeZ94.2-1994 - Attenuation Test Protocol (CAN)2003/10/EC - EU Hearing Directive89/686/EEC - EC Directive/PPECategory II - EC Category/PPEEN 352-2:2002 - EU StandardsNOHSC: 1007 (2000) - National Standard for Occupational Noise (AUS/NZ)NR 15 - Security and Health of Work, Annexes 1 and 2, n°3.214/1978 - Occupational Noise Regulations (BR)ANSI S12.6/1997 - Method B - Attenuation Test Protocol (BR)9001:2008 - ISOHistorical Brand: Howard Leight
Color: CoralShape: BellMaterial: Polyurethane FoamPackaging Options: • Polybag • Paper Bag • Bulk Refill for Leight Source 400 or Leight Source 500 DispenserCord Options: • Uncorded • PolycordNRR: 33Canada Class: A(L)SNR: 37SLC80: 26 dB / Class 5EU Certifications: European Directives – 89/686/EECEC Category PPE – Category IIStandards – EN 352-2:2002EC Certification Number – 1219EC Attestation Number – 040366Laboratory – INSPEC AUS Certifications: Standardsmark License #1579