Introducing premium temporary horizontal rope lifeline (HLL) systems for two workers. An in-line system shock absorber reduces forces while O-ring connections allow for ease of mobility.
ConvenienceThe systems are quick and easy to install, lightweight and portable.
ReliabilityThe black static kernmantle lifeline provides ultimate durability for tough environments while reducing fall clearance requirements.
SKUDescriptionKit ContentsHLLR2-Z7/30FT30-ft. (9 m) Rope Temporary HLL System11/16-in. (17.5 mm) kernmantle-style rope lifeline / Lifeline adjuster / Two (2) heavy-duty cross-arm for two workers, anchorage straps / Shock absorber pack / Two (2) connecting O-rings / Waterproof bucketHLLR2-Z7/60FT60-ft. (18 m) Rope Temporary HLL System11/16-in. (17.5 mm) kernmantle-style rope lifeline / Lifeline adjuster / Two (2) heavy-duty cross-arm for two workers, anchorage straps / Shock absorber pack / Two (2) connecting O-rings / Waterproof bucket