Most items are normally shipped the same business day on orders placed before 2PM CST, paid with credit card without complication and except Mondays.
Exceptions to this policy are expensive consumer items, items that are specifically designated as "Normally shipped in 1-3 business days" in the item descriptions and drop shipped items. Payment complications include: different shipping and billing addresses, billing information inconsistent with what's on the credit card record, and orders that can't be verified by phone. Orders placed during non-business hours such as evenings, weekends, and holidays are normally processed and shipped on the next business day except Mondays. Next Day, 2nd Day & 3rd Day shipping orders cannot be processed to California, Florida or Maryland unless the product is currently in our inventory. If your shipping time is critical, we suggest you call to check current inventory prior to ordering. Next Day, 2nd Day, & 3rd Day shipping orders must be submitted before 2PM CST, otherwise add one day for order processing. Next Day, 2nd Day & 3rd Day shipping orders placed on Friday after 2pm CST will be considered an order placed on Monday of the following week.
Shipments will only be delivered to the continental USA, incl. AK & HI, and Canada.
Our customers are responsible for any "extra" charges incurred by the shipper to reach the receiver. This includes international / border processing fees.
All items are not to be considered "in stock". Drop shipments from our manufacturers will NOT be made to the following states unless the proper sales tax exemption forms are provided prior to shipment:
New Jersey
New York
Please allow an extra 3 - 5 business days to process orders to these states.
We are constantly striving to ensure you, the customer, the easiest, most reliable services and products available.