Infraspection IR Inspections For Roofing Contractors Distance Learning
Infraspection IR Inspections For Roofing Contractors Distance Learning

Infraspection IR Inspections For Roofing Contractors Distance Learning

Your Price: $1,195.00
Part Number:5459

IR Inspections For Roofing Contractors Distance Learning

IR Inspections For Roof Contractors is a 18 hour theory and application course for the use of thermal imaging to locate and evaluate energy loss and moisture problems within building envelopes and insulated roofing systems. This is a non-certification course that focuses on these specific applications. Course attendance may be applied to training requirements for thermographer certification.

This course covers infrared theory, heat transfer concepts, equipment operation and selection, standards compliance, image analysis and report generation.

Students are trained to identify and document thermal patterns caused by improper design, workmanship or material failure. Self directed learning activities are provided to help student gain practical experience; however, one need not have a camera to successfully complete the course.

Course tuition includes 24 hour access to all online course presentations, Student Reference Manual, online quizzes, self-directed field assignments, proof of course completion, and free ground shipping of course materials to continental US. Student must complete training within 60 days of registration. ** For classroom course, please call (877) 207-1244**